Through living 'faith', sincere religionists experience the limitless 'value' of communion or 'at-one-ment' with the Source of all that is, ever was, or will be that is fully present in this moment - now. The 'reason' of genuine science allows finite minds to analyze the infinitesimal elements of the infinite in a progressive exploration of 'fact' whose re-cognition is made meaningful by the integration of these discrete realms of human thought and experience through the wisdom of philosophy, that intellectual labor weaving as one the part and whole, cause and effect, origin and destiny, beginning and end of every human endeavor to 'know' the truth that sets us free.
Now playing: Michael Hoppe/Martin Tillman/Tim Wheater - Salvation
via FoxyTunes
Now playing: Michael Hoppe/Martin Tillman/Tim Wheater - Salvation
via FoxyTunes