All human thought is built upon assumptions। Science, revered so often as infallible by (a)theists of every kind during the reign of what are now waning ideologies of materialism, featured scientists as high priests of matter, mediating its mysteries to the 'lay' audience in return for unlimited stipends paid as tithes to the idol of nationalism whose 'heaven' is unlimited sovereignty achieved through endless war. Alas, Science is built upon the assumption that reason is valid, that the universe can be comprehended and relies heavily upon at least three further assumptions: matter, motion, and life. However, all human knowledge is incomplete given that Science will forever seek to identify, analyze, and classify the segmented parts of a limitless cosmos while Religion grasps by faith the 'idea-of-the-whole' i.e. the entire cosmos leaving Philosophy to attempt the identification of the material segments of Science with the spiritual-insight of the whole to make meaningful a larger spectrum of our human experience.
Now playing: Michael Hoppé - Romance For Violin And Orchestra
via FoxyTunes
Now playing: Michael Hoppé - Romance For Violin And Orchestra
via FoxyTunes