As we awaken, grumbling perhaps a bit here and there, coughing maybe while clearing our throats, rubbing our sleepy eyes as we adjust to morning's light, let us listen to the soft and subtle tenderness of this moment and join all creation awakening with us.
And when we hear voices teaching one thing or another, let us ask ourselves, do they offer a simple peace or confusing distractions? Are we offered complex meditations and prayers and 'things' to do, or are we simply reminded of the truth we are and invited to rest in it? Are we told of a need to go on exotic pilgrimages, or do we hear the reminder that as we make our cup of morning tea, all of Heaven is present if we but remember our Source who is making us even as we make our daily rounds.
Focus! For in this moment there is coming forth a multitude of those who would be teachers of 'enlightenment', who will guide us into all knowledge. Let's look carefully to see; do they demand that we follow them? Do they demand that we give up our own discernment, or do they encourage us to look deep within?
Let's use time constructively. We can heal our hearts, we can practice forgiveness, we can awaken. We need to because the planet is doing the same, and if we don't awaken with her, we won't be able to handle her light, and we'll need to move to a different neighborhood. That's all. No judgment, no fear, no being struck dead by God, only a simple offering. We can awaken now, or we can awaken somewhere else, later.
We are seeing on the planet a polarization that is occurring as every soul is being confronted by the decision to heal and to forgive or to hold onto the idols of woundedness and judgement. The more souls that choose to awaken and to heal, the less need for shocking circumstances to gain our attention and easier will be the transition for the planet.
As we awaken, let us greet each other with love।
Now playing: Erik Satie - Gnossiennes No. 2
via FoxyTunes