The inevitable passion with which persons devote themselves to love is indicative of how potent the realm of value functions in relation to an expanding horizon of fact। Human life is composed of a qualitative dimension of intangible value interwoven with the quantitative realm of tangible matter(s) of fact which when integrated in a living i.e. personal philosophy contributes new meanings to our evolving experience. Alas, Science has no more of a monopoly upon knowledge than Religion does upon God.
Now playing: Polish National Radio Symphony Crchestra, Antoni Wit, conductor, Zofia Kilanowicz, soporano - Lento - Sostenuto Tranquillo Ma Cantabile
via FoxyTunes
Now playing: Polish National Radio Symphony Crchestra, Antoni Wit, conductor, Zofia Kilanowicz, soporano - Lento - Sostenuto Tranquillo Ma Cantabile
via FoxyTunes