Sunday, October 14, 2007


The extraordinary "dream state grows proportionate to one's progress in the practice of spiritual attunement. Indeed, upon invitation, our seraphic and other celestial guides can enter our minds and our dreams. They have brought dreams to people in need of healing awareness because we mortals can sometimes become more aware of divine love through this means than others. However, they do not delve into areas where we would shut them off, but only as we open up and give permission. They work with our angels, for these seraphic guardians are fully aware of all that goes on with us.

The dream state is a complicated matter. Though unseen friends may inject something into a dream, almost always other factors are involved and the celestial efforts become quite jumbled, and this is why dreams often do not make any sense. We need not be overly concerned with dreams for sometimes they will simply be telling us something about our stress points. Our turmoil may bring up points in a dream that may be remembered, or it may have something to do with our life style that can bring expanded awareness in order to correct something. However, rather than putting too much focus upon dreams, it would be more helpful to simply focus upon our life with God. Regardless, know many work with us any way they can. They are with us always and take every opportunity to assist through the openings they see available which we freely give them to broaden our horizons and deepen our experience.
Now playing: William Ackerman - Sound of Wind Driven Rain
via FoxyTunes