While eternity is one, the consciousness of time functions as the 'perception' of sequential motion. Such events unfold contingent upon a nearly infinite vector field of influences that when modeled mathematically produce a range of probabilistic scenarios. These 'illusions' are the tool of every art used to assist anyone lacking vision to probe the surface of the phenomenal realm to see the depth of noumenal reality we are, even now, in truth and spirit.
As it has been said that vision is the art of seeing the invisible, this could be expanded to include a larger range of senses, including the handful possessed by us humans, to feel this very moment what otherwise we know only by faith is living in and through us।
Now playing: Deuter - Sitara
via FoxyTunes
As it has been said that vision is the art of seeing the invisible, this could be expanded to include a larger range of senses, including the handful possessed by us humans, to feel this very moment what otherwise we know only by faith is living in and through us।
Now playing: Deuter - Sitara
via FoxyTunes